Class Teacher: Mrs Alison Main

Teaching Assistant: Miss Sam Woodthorpe

We are looking forward to getting to know you all and would now like to share a few routines with you.

P.E: PE is on a Monday and Wednesday. PE kit must be brought into school each Monday and taken home on Friday. Girls should have an extra pair of socks when they wear tights and hair must be tied back.

Swimming: Children go swimming every Tuesday morning in alternate terms.

Reading: Your child will bring home a reading book every night. We would ask that you try to read with your child at least three times per week. If your child is a fluent reader then we would still be obliged if you read with your child and discuss the book to check understanding.

Homework: Will be set in accordance with the school homework policy. Homework is set on a Friday. It is always due in on the Friday after it is set. It is usually Literacy, Maths or a task linked to our Science, Geography or History topic area. Spellings will be given weekly and they will be tested on these.They will also be set mental maths homework.

Going home: To ensure the safety of your child please inform the teacher, or the teaching assistant, in the morning if your child will be going home with somebody different than usual.

Helping Parents: We need parent helpers for a wide range of activities.If you can help and have the necessary checks then please see me.

Last, but not least, please feel free to email us regarding any concerns. Our aim is to make the transition from Class 2 to Class 3 as smooth and as easy as possible for all the children so that they continue to be happy and eager learners at St. John’s.

Here’s to a fun and successful year.

Class 3 timetable