Welcome to Class 2

Class Teacher: Jane Florey

Teaching Assistants: Gail Simpkins

The transition from Year 1 to Year 2 is important and we aim to make this as easy as possible for the children. During the year, the pace of learning gradually increases and the children are expected to become even more independent both in their learning and personal organisation. Please encourage them at home to be responsible for their belongings and pack their own bags for school as much as possible. This is very important as they need to be prepared for their learning journey.

You have two adults in the class wanting the best for your child. We will regularly discuss the children’s progress and will naturally change the seating arrangements throughout the year.

On Monday morning, I am released by Mrs Pollard and she teaches RE and Maths to the class.

Reading: The children have a book in their book bags which are changed every morning. We keep a log of the books the children are reading as during these times and we encourage you to comment and sign when you have read. These should be sent to school every day in their book bags.

They will generally read at least twice a week to an adult .

Spellings: Are sent home on Monday for the following Tuesday. Spellings will be a mixture of high frequency words and phonic patterns.

Homework: There are  activities on the school website that your child might like to do as well. I like to set spellings on a Monday and they will be tested the following Tuesday. I will set My Maths on a Monday, due in for the followiing ing Monday.

P.E Kit: P.E will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I recommend that the girls wear skorts. Please can you make sure your child has their P.E bag including appropriate clothing and footwear for being outside in the colder weather. The children will wear plimsolls inside for gymnastics and dance but will need trainers for outside.

Going Home Arrangements : Please continue to inform us if your child will be going home with somebody different than usual.

Last, but not least, please feel free to come and talk to us about any problems / questions which may arise, however big or small, we are here to help your children not only in their learning but in their emotional wellbeing too, but if there is an issue that you think will affect your child that day, you may email me on the address above.

Emails will generally be read and responded to during core working hours (8-6 Mon to Fri).

Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to a great year with Year 2!

Please click below for our class timetable:Class 2 Timetable 2022-23