Welcome to St John’s CE Primary School

“Live life to the full” (John 10:10)

Our vision is to serve our school community by providing an education of the highest quality, that allows our children to flourish, within the context of Christian belief and practice. Our vision is underpinned by the bible verse “That they shall have life, life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

Is your child starting school in September 2025? Then come to our open morning and evening on Thursday 5th December 2024 (9:15 am and 7pm). There is no need to book.


We aim to do this by offering each child an exciting, challenging and stimulating education during their time with us based on the Christian values of Wonder, Excellence, Love and Forgiveness – known throughout the school as ‘WonderELF’.

It is hard to sum up exactly what makes St John’s a unique school, but St John’s is a place where we believe that there should be much more than academic rigour in the classroom. Whether it is playing together, taking part in sports or exploring creative talents, opportunities abound. It is these extra opportunities which really encourage independence, resilience and responsibility within our children.

Another important aspect of the school is the caring and nurturing ethos which exists between staff and children and, equally importantly, between the children themselves (visit the Buddies section under the School Life link). We strive to maintain the right balance between enjoyment and achievement so that your child will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from their time here. High expectations are evident in all that we do and successes are celebrated.

St John’s is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, parents, governors and volunteers to share this commitment so that our pupils can thrive in a safe and caring environment.

Although the information available on this website gives you an insight into our life here at St John’s, a visit to the school is strongly recommended. We are confident that, after experiencing the warmth and happiness of the children and staff, you will leave convinced that St John’s has that something extra about it which is just right for your child.

If you wish to find out more about our school or if you would like a place for your child at our school please look at the Starting at St John’s page.

If you require a paper copy of any of the information documents in the Key Information section please call the school office who will be happy to help with your request.

News and Letters

Newsletter – Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Writing a newsletter for the end of the summer term is always a time of mixed emotions; we are sad saying goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class – yes, I did have something in my eye at the assembly this morning; genuinely think I have just developed hay fever! But it is also a happy time when reflecting on their personal journeys and their achievements. Well done Class of 2024!

Not only have we 20 families leaving our community from Year 6 this year we also have 2 other families leaving our school as they are moving to another country and different town; we wish all of you good luck for your new adventures.

We are saying a ‘sort of’ goodbye to Mrs Hare at the end of this term as she begins her maternity leave and send all our good wishes for the exciting journey she is about to embark on.

Thank you all for the many different ways you show your support and consideration over the year, including all the kind words, cards and gifts you have bestowed upon us over the last week. Thank you as well to the PTA who have raised over £14,000 this year – yet another remarkable achievement.

Our school vision: ‘Life in all its fullness’ is based on a verse from the Bible (John 10:10). This vision is a daily experience for our school community as ‘living life to the full’ means embracing an abundant, broad, deep rich sense of living together through all the good and bad times. I am very proud of all that the children have achieved this year both within the classroom and beyond – hopefully you will be able to share the opportunity of ‘living life to the full’ over the summer holidays. Enjoy the time with your children; which fingers crossed will be full of balmy sunny days – well I am ever the optimist!

Finally, a message to all those children moving on from St John’s: Life is a different journey for each of us. Accept that differences are what make life special. Go out into the world, be true to yourself, and be the fine people we know you are so that you can “live life to the full”.

Laura Cooper

Don’t forget the new term starts on Tuesday September 3rd 2024.